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Turkey Supper

October 14 to 16, 2010

Please remember that it is not necessary to be at the supper “forever”. If everyone takes a turn, we can all help each other and feel good about volunteering to support our church. Sign-up sheets are on the tables in the Narthex and next to the Fellowship Hall Door.
Don Eroh is looking for people to sell tickets. He has plenty for everyone, so get them and sell, sell, sell. The fall Supper is usually our best fundraiser and is easy to promote. Why? Because people love to eat – especially good food!!
As always, we need people to cook the turkeys. Don Eroh is the person to see if you can volunteer your time for this important item (what’s a Turkey Supper without turkey, right?) The turkeys arrive either at your home or at the church (depending on how you arrange it with Don) on Thursday morning.
On Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m., walls are taken down and tables are set up. Then there is the cleaning and cutting up of the vegetables for the pickled cabbage and “eyeing” and cutting up of the potatoes for the stuffing. (We only have to eye the potatoes, not peel them since we have a potato peeler. Yeah!!)
Early Friday morning at 7:00 a.m. more potatoes are eyed (we need mashed potatoes, too) and then at about 8:00 a.m. we start making the pickled cabbage and stuffing.
Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. we start cleaning the meat off the turkeys, which is easier to do if the turkeys are warm. Those of you who clean your own turkeys and then deliver them really help to speed up this process. Then, of course, the actual event begins at 3:00 and goes to about 7:00 p.m. We can always use lots of hands for serving food, working in the kitchen, busing tables, and waiting on tables. By the end of the supper at 7:00 p.m., the workers, many of whom have been there since 2:30 p.m. (mashing potatoes, making gravy, making sure the vegetables and stuffing are hot so that everything is ready at 3:00 p.m.) are ready for a rest. That’s when it’s nice to have a clean-up crew come in. The tables all have to be cleaned off, tablecloths and chairs wiped down, Sunday School rooms put back into order and the walls put back up. The large roasters and cook pots are washed and put away until the next supper. The kitchen cleaned and floors washed and vacuumed.
As you can see, there is a lot of work involved in having a supper, but it is a lot of fun and fellowship, too. Please consider where you can be of service and join us.

Will they who devise evil not go astray? But kindness and truth will be to those who devise good. — Proverbs 14:22 (NASV)

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